It has been a very busy week. We are still very much in the adjustment period since Kevin left his day job, but we are finally starting to form some sort of routine. I am in the middle of wedding… Keep Reading
It Friday!! Which means it’s time for a Fun Farm Fact!
Capra, latin for goat, is the root of the word capricious. A word meaning to change often and quickly, quirky, and whimsical… Fitting… Keep Reading
Today’s Fun Farm Fact is one that I discovered soon after getting our first goats, Tina and Hillary… Goats (like all other ruminate animals) do not have top front teeth! Imagine my surprise when I discovered this for the first… Keep Reading
The post is coming a little late today. We had a crazy day to top off a very eventful week. Tina kidded early this morning. One kid was born before we got outside to her at 5am and the other… Keep Reading
The chicks came yesterday afternoon!! I don’t have any good pictures yet. Only a few taken with my phone and I’m not sure they are even in sharp focus. The chicks arrived happy and healthy! We did have one little… Keep Reading
The girls are so close to having their babies! We are still two weeks from their due dates, but Hillary’s ligaments are disappearing, which is a sign that labor is on it’s way. Although, it doesn’t necessarily mean she won’t… Keep Reading
The countdown is on! Spring is a little over a month away, the girls only have 4 more weeks until their due dates, and we only have 3 more weeks until the baby chicks arrive in the mail. It wont… Keep Reading
A few weeks ago we did a little impromptu photo shoot because we needed photographs of us with the animals for several different things. We got some great images, so I thought I would take the time to share them… Keep Reading
Want to know more about the farmers, animals, and buildings on The Freckled Farm? Every Friday I introduce you to another part of The Freckled Farm. This week you have a chance to get to know our barn!
When we… Keep Reading
Want to know more about the farmers, animals, and buildings on The Freckled Farm? Every Friday I will introduce you to another part of The Freckled Farm. This week you have a chance to get to know Sonia Sotomayor!
On… Keep Reading