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Spring Goat Milk Soap Giveaway

Spring is finally here!! This winter was rough and it felt like it went on forever. I don’t think there has ever been a year where I was more excited for this season change, and to celebrate we have decided to do a giveaway with the newest addition to our goat milk so line – our Spring soap!

Our Spring soap is the first soap in our “season” series. Each season this year we will debut a new soap to represent that season. It will only be available during that season, so if you are a fan you will need to stock up or wait for it to come around again next year.

Our Spring soap is scented with the essential oil of calendula, also know as Pot Marigold. It has a deep floral scent and because of the essential oil is naturally yellow. It is topped with the wispy yellow petals of the calendula flower. This beautiful bar just screams SPRING!

Spring Giveaway - The Freckled Farm Soap Company

Enter to win THREE goat milk soap bars from The Freckled Farm Soap Company… Two bars of our new Spring soap, and an additional bar of your choice.

Our soaps are all natural made with natural oils, essential oils for fragrance, and of course raw goat milk.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway blogWe will be verifying the winning entry. If you have not followed through with your entry, for example you did not actually “like” us on Facebook, or did not follow through with subscribing to the blog, your entry will be voided and you will not be eligible to win the prize. You must live in the US to enter this giveaway.

If you have any questions regarding this giveaway or our soap in general please feel free to email me – [email protected]

13 thoughts on “Spring Goat Milk Soap Giveaway

  1. I love reading new posts about the farm and your journey. Thanks for sharing! The pictures are amazing too!

    1. Thanks Natalie!

  2. I haven’t tried any soaps yet. I live in Roanoke and I have not been able to travel to Richmond in a while. I am super curious about the coffee soap!

  3. My favorite is the coffee soap! You made it just for me 🙂

    1. It’s true… You were the inspiration behind the coffee soap!

  4. My favorite scent is lavender! They look so wonderful and can only imagine the wonderful fragrance and creamy goodness!

    1. I am sure you would love it!

  5. Mmmmmm lemongrass green tea + peppermint eucalyptus both sound so refreshing – dunno how I would pick if I won!

    I’d love to see Bedgie at the Freckled Farm because he’s terrified of goats lol

    1. You should bring him at some point! I bet he would have a blast with the babies! You can’t be scared of something so tiny.

  6. I’ve never tried your soaps before, but the rose soap sounds wonderful. Thanks for the chance.

  7. I would love to try lavender
    thansk for the giveaway 🙂

  8. My husband uses all natural soap due to skin sensitivity issues. He loves your soaps!

    1. That’s great to hear Trisha! Thank you

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