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Our Goat Milk Soaps are Going Organic!

That’s right! Towards the end of last year, when trying to figure out how we were going to promote further growth and continue to make our goat milk soaps better for our customers and the environment, we decided to take the leap and switch over to nearly all organic oils!

We now will only have two oils within our soaps that are not organic, both of which are among the lesser oils we use in our soap recipes and neither of these oils are used at all in our Castile Goat Milk Soap. So lets talk numbers. That means 88% of the oil portion of the recipe for the vast majority of our soaps is now organic and the oil portion of our Castile Goat Milk Soap is 100% organic.

All that’s left is the goat milk. Our farm is not certified organic, because it is a costly certification to obtain and maintain, however we implement every organic practice we can. Our all-natural non-gmo feed comes from a local farm and our hay, also from a local farm, is chemical free. Like us, both of these farms have not gone through the organic certification process, but employ organic practices. We avoid all chemical pesticides on our farm, even in the areas where the goats are not allowed to roam. We implement as many natural remedies for ailments as we can, and when medications are required we exceed the recommended milk withdrawal time. You can feel confident that our milk is of the highest quality!

What’s the best part of all of this? You are getting access to soap that is now   even better for you and the environment than before and the prices will remain the same! You heard right! We will not raise our prices with this change to our soap line. Enjoy!